


中(zhong)國 浙江省(sheng) 湖州市
公司介紹(shao) 聯系方(fang)式
象往家具有限公司是一家專業研發、生產和銷售健康坐具的高新技術企業,產品主要涉及辦公椅、按摩椅、沙發及功能座椅配件,是知名坐具提供商之一。公司位于素有“中國椅子之鄉”之稱的浙江省安吉縣。經過近年的快速穩定發展,公司現有員工200余人。象往家具致力于“與客戶共享平安,與社會共同進步”的營銷理念,和“竭盡一切可能,真誠為您服務”的服務宗旨。本公司將質量第一,嚴守信譽,客戶至上的理念,真誠為客戶服務,歡迎各界來函來電或親臨垂詢。 showone Furniture Co., Ltd. is a national high-tech enterprise engaged in professional R&D, production and sale of healthy chair. Its products mainly include office chair, massage chair, sofa and functional chair fittings. The company is located in Anji County, Zhejiang Province, which is known as "the hometown of Chinese chairs". After rapid and stable development in recent years, the company has more than 200 employees. showone Furniture Co., Ltd. Committed to "with the customer sharing peace, with society common progress" marketing idea, and the "do everything possible, sincere service for you" principle of service. The company will first quality, strictly credibility, the idea of the supremacy of customers, thegood of the customer service calls or letters are welcome to visit Additional information.