



湖州福美達紡織有限公司成立于2007年,坐落于浙江省湖州市。公司十余年來專注高檔家紡面料的設計、研發、生產及銷售。技術工藝從絲光絨金光絨等普通經編面料染色向荷蘭絨意大利絨等超細纖維類光染色轉型,外加印花、燙金、透氣復合等深加工工序。采用技工貿一體的運營模式,現有標準廠房約15000平方米,經編、植絨等化纖絨類面料年產量超2000萬米,廣泛應用于服裝、鞋材、沙發、箱包、首飾盒、汽車坐墊及其它工業用途。公司秉承“誠信經營、合作共贏”的理念,贏得了國內外客戶、業界及社會的尊重。產品暢銷國內及歐美、中東、東南亞等多達60余個國家。公司的商標已在10多個國家完成注冊,獲得發明和實用新型專利16項,知名度每年都在提升。湖州福美達紡織有限公司將竭力為您提供專業的服務。 Huzhou Fornice Textile Co., Ltd. was established in 2007, we located in Huzhou City, Zhejiang Province. The company always focusing on high-quality home textile fabrics in design, development, production, and sales for more than ten years. The technical process is transforming from the ordinary dyeing warp knitted fabrics such as mercerized velvet, super poly to the micro-fiber dyeing such as Holland velvet, Italian velvet etc, additionally further processing such as printing, bronzing and permeability lamination. Adopting the operation mode of technology, industry, and trade, the existing standard factory building is about 15,000 square meters. The annual output of warp knitting, flocking and other chemical fiber velvet fabrics exceed 20 million meters. It is widely used in the field of clothing, shoe materials, sofas, bags, jewelry boxes, car seat cushions and other industrial use. Companies adhering to the concept of "integrity management, cooperation and win-win", has won the respect of domestic and foreign customers, industry and society. The products sell well in domestic and Europe, Middle East, Southeast Asia and other countries as many as 60 countries. The company's trademark has been registered in more than 10 countries and has obtained 16 invention and utility model patents, and its popularity is increasing every year. Huzhou Fornice Textile Co., Ltd. will try its best to provide you with professional services. We focusing on high-quality home textile fabrics in design, development, production, and sales for 12 years, products sell well in 60 countries, company's trademark has been registered in 10 countries and has obtained 16 invention and utility model patents.
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